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2018-12-21 15:50:10 上海美藤教育 271




With regard to young people in poor and backward areas, hardly could they have enough time to make contributions to the improvement of their communities on account of the fact that they have no options but to pull out all their stops to earn more money even at the cost their health. There are myriads of examples in our lives, one of which is my elder brother, a high school graduate, working as a waiter in a restaurant in Beijing.


However, when it comes to the youth in economically advanced/vibrant areas, it takes little imagination to think that a majority of them are willing to play an active role in bettering their neighborhoods.Granted, helping the community| Voluntary work is not the only factor to consider in their spare time, but it is the most appealing, particularly for those young people from affluent families, thanks mainly to the strong desire to escape the ennui of home and to find identity, and also to the sense of self-fulfillment gained in such kind of activities. It is much easier for the parents to raise children now than fifty years ago.

To achieve successful development of a country, a government should focus its budgets more on young children education than on higher education?




Today people cannot buy products based on information in their advertisements because advertisements are less honest than before.

题型: 今昔对比类

话题: 商业类

思路: 一边倒,但是从公司和个人两个角度进行分析

First of all, there is no denying that fewer and fewer companies would like to allure their customers through deceptive ads since the benefits of such kind of market activities pales into insignificance when set against their huge negative impact.Furthermore, at the individual level, with the advent of popularity of the internet, especially the introduction of all kinds of applications, an increasing number of consumers have come to the rude awakening that most of ads are at best informative and at worst misleading.

这里列出的都是body part最开头的几句,这里很多给出的理由和解题思路都给你列出来了,试着按他提供的这种自我分析一下。这里面其实有些句型和短语词组是考场上很高频地会用到的,你不妨就直接拿来背,不断地套这些句型去写不同主题的句子。因为我现在觉得水平不是很高的人如何在托福写作拿高分?不是真的考场上写出来的,是靠考场下准备出来的,是背出来的像一些你平时觉得考试会经常用到的短语何不平时多总结多练习呢,考场上用到就直接蹦出来了,还会纠结怎么写比较好吗?就好比“许多”、“因为”这种的,你肯定会用,那就平日多总结。

TIPS:独立写作的终极tip就是: 字数越多越好!字数越多越好!字数越多越好!总结后得出的经验,你如果打字快就多写吧,真的你写个500字以上,我还真不信它不好意思不给你good,只要你别乱来(语法错的要死,文章逻辑整个崩坏),句子、词语简单一点根本没事。如果你写的短的话,那可能就要各方面做得好一些了。

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