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通过托福写作题型讲解 快速掌握解题方法!

2019-12-16 18:09:17 郑州优择教育 333

摘要:托福写作单项作为2019年8月份托福考试改革后唯一没有发生变化的单项,对于备考托福一段时间的同学来说是很熟悉的,甚至很多同学都认为英文写作从学习英语以来一直都在写,没什么难度。 对于参加过大学英语四六级考试的同学来说,独立写作的题目还是比较熟悉的,只不过在写作字数上和电脑打字的写作形式上有所区别,但这些观点其实是对托福独立写作有一些理解上的误区。


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Professor should prohibit the use of devices that can connect to the internet in class.  

Some hold the view that children from 5 to 10 should take one hour-long class then have a rest or play some games, while others say that they should take longer classes and have a full rest at noon to increase the time they can focus. Which one do you prefer?  (2019年11月17号托福考试真题)


People in communities can make decisions that protect and improve the natural environment. Which one of the following three actions is most useful for people to do if they want to help the local community environment and why:

1Plant trees and create parks
2Persuade local shops to stop providing plastics bags to customers
3Increase access to public transportation to reduce the number of automobiles on local roads

题目:People in communities can make decisions that protect and improve the natural environment. Which one of the following three actions is the most useful for people to do if they want to help the local community environment and why:

1Plant trees and create parks
2Persuade local shops to stop providing plastics bags to customers
3Increase access to public transportation to reduce the number of automobiles on local roads


首先,我们看到这个题目中有个关键词the most useful, 形容词最高级的出现对我们来说是一个提醒,三个选项之间中选择最有用的,那就需要考虑在文章的写作结构或者段落写作结构中运用对比。那如果这个题目在考试中遇到的时候,文章的篇章结构我们怎么组织呢?

首先按照“五段论”的写作结构来看,中间三个body part我们可以先根据我们自己选择的其中一个选项去分析两个它的好处,然后在第三个论证段落中可以分析一下剩下两个自己不选的选项的劣势/不可行性,从而能体现出在选项之间的对比。如果按照“四段论”的写作结构,我们可以通过把自己选的选项和剩余两个选项一一对比,体现出选项之间的优劣对比,从而凸显出“最….“的目的。这两种写作结构在实际考试中都是比较合理的篇章写作结构。

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