
首页 托福文章 如何把中美贸易战运...


2019-09-12 17:34:39 北京天道教育 356



Tariffs on imported goods

征税:levy/impose tax

The government levies taxes on fast-food chains

President Trump’s trade war with China entered new territory on Sunday as his next round of tariffs took effect



The new schedule will take effect from the beginning of May.


The pills/measures start to take effect.

It's driving the world’s two largest economies furtherapart.

疏远:drive/tear/push people (further) apart

People are wondering whether technology is bringing us together ordriving us apart.

主动疏远某人或是某事可以用distance oneself from sb/sth

Struggling in school can impact teens in a variety of ways and maycause them to withdraw from previously enjoyed activities anddistance themselves from friends.

His goal is to create a more level playing field  for American companies competing with Chinese firms

公平竞争的环境:level playing field

The new legislation is intended to create a level playing field forstudents of all backgrounds.



Trade between the world’s two largest economies has slumped,and China, which had long been America’s biggest trading partner,dropped to third place in the first half of the year.

 American imports from China fell by 12 percent in the firsthalf of the year, while exports to China dropped 19 percent.

American companies that once believed the trade war would blow over are nowscrambling to limit their exposure to China

烟消云散,归于平静:blow over

I think the tension between mom and grandma will blow over.

争先恐后:scramble to do/ for

More than three million fans are expected to scramble for tickets抢购门票

After months of stalled negotiations and China’s refusal to give in to America’s demands, his strategy has taken a more punitiveturn.

让步:give in/ make compromise/makeconcession/concede to

He's so stubborn that I doubt he'll ever concede to what I want.

Any business that complained about financial pain from the tariffs were ignoring the obvious culprit for their troubles.


Lack of exercise is also a major culprit in the obesity epidemic.


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