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托福口语Task 2预测+解题思路+标答示范

2019-07-10 16:59:12 石家庄朗阁 327


托福口语预测题-Task 2


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Students should take some additional courses so that they can get their credits more quickly.



考生对于客观事实或现象给出自己的观点,是与否,此类题目为Task 2主流类型,建议考生先扫清题目的生词障碍以及一词多义或形近词混淆的问题,此类问题要多刷,多锻炼脑回路。



1. 面对较熟悉的话题,考生可以通过自身或旁人的例子去阐明自己的观点。

2. 面对不熟悉的话题,考生可以通过“正负”方法,从反面去阐明自己的观点,即如果不这么做。。。会怎么样?



Well, I'll put my money on taking additional courses to get the credits more quickly.

If you have to ask me, I would play it safe and take my courses one at a time.

reckless 鲁莽的 草率的

bite more than what you can chew 眼大肚子小

pace one's self 量力而行


Well, this is a no-brainer. I would be hell-bent on getting my credits more quickly, but I can't lose the sight of the bigger picture either.


I'll elaborate my point of view in 2 sections.


Firstly, by doing so, it will free me up so I could do what I love and explore all my potentials. I've always got a passion for music. Unfortunately, my major in college is software engineering, so you can see these two are not exactly overlapping.


With that being said, I wouldn't just take on so many courses at the same time. It's going to lower my GPA if I did that. So better play it safe and don't bite more than what I can chew.

口语 素材范文 真题解析



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