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2024-06-26 09:02:39   /   美国留学   /   作者:王老师

浏览110 点赞34 收藏93

What can I tell you about our college?Who in your life has most influenced you?Why do you want to major in ______________ ?What will you contribute to our campus community?Tell me about a challenge that you overcame.What do you do for fun in your free time?What do you see yourself doing 10 years from now?Does your high school record accurately reflect your effort and ability?Recommend a good book to me.If you could do one thing in high school differently, what would it be?What do you hope to do after graduation?Why do you want to go to college?Tell me about your family.What makes you special?What can our college offer you that another college can’t?In college, what do you plan to do outside of the classroom?What do you think about the latest news headline?What high school experience was most important to you?Who most helped you get to where you are today?Tell me about your community service.If you had a thousand dollars to give away, what would you do with it?What subject in high school did you find the most challenging?

真正好的回答标准是,学生列举 three activities that he/she loves the most and why they are meaningful and how that makes him/her a good match for the school. 比如这个回答:“Throughout high school, I have tried to get involved in several activities so that I could find my passions. Early on, I realized that swimming was something that I love to do. I have been on the team for all 4 years of high school. I just absolutely love being in the water and what is unique about swimming is that it is both an individual sport and a team sport. I get to challenge myself to be the best and still also contribute to a team goal. I have also been taking guitar lessons for 2 years now and am starting a band. I am not very good yet, but it is just a really great way to relax and I love music. Finally, I have been working on an independent research project where I am trying to determine how light gets filtered through the optic nerve. One day, I hope to become an ophthalmologist and I have been working with a professor at Stanford in his lab. We came up with the project together and I will be entering it into the Siemens Competition. ”

三、 美国大学问题常见问题汇总  

 Tell me about yourself. 

 Why are you interested in our college? 

 What can I tell you about our college? 

 Who in your life has most influenced you? 

 Why do you want to major in ______________ ? 

 What will you contribute to our campus community? 

 Tell me about a challenge that you overcame. 

 What do you do for fun in your free time? 

 What do you see yourself doing 10 years from now? 

 Does your high school record accurately reflect your effort and ability? 

 Recommend a good book to me. 

 If you could do one thing in high school differently, what would it be? 

 What did you do this summer? 

 What do you do best? 

 What do you hope to do after graduation? 

 Why do you want to go to college? 

 How do you define success? 

 Who do you most admire? 

 What is your biggest weakness? 

 Tell me about your family. 

 What makes you special? 

 What can our college offer you that another college can’t? 

 In college, what do you plan to do outside of the classroom? 

 What three adjectives best describe you? 

 What do you think about the latest news headline? 

 Who is your hero? 

 What historical figure do you most admire? 

 What high school experience was most important to you? 

 Who most helped you get to where you are today? 

 Tell me about your community service. 

 If you had a thousand dollars to give away, what would you do with it? 

 What subject in high school did you find the most challenging?




04年进入留学行业, 16年的时间, 为几千名学生量身定做留学计划。 我的学生从最早的80后的学生到现在90后,我在做着一件很有意义的事情, 我热爱我的工作。




在选校前,申请者首先要思考清楚未来的规划,认清自己的需求,切记盲目跟风。即便是美国本科可以选择未定专业以及General Studies,还是建议申请者在申请前想好大致的专业方向。而在选校过程中,比较注重专业课程的申请者,可以关注专业方向设置以及课程设置。




申请难度可以重点考量学校或专业本身的入学要求,大部分美国学校都会给出最低的语言申请要求以及标准化考试要求。建议申请者至少达到学校给出的最低标准。但是,达到了此要求,并不代表就有录取的把握。例如本科申请中,对托福的要求是80分。但是实际的录取中,大多数的录取者托福分数是达到了110+。因此,最低要求只能作为一定程度的参考。对于本科申请来说,US News或College Board上都会有SAT的中位数以及录取率作为参考。而对于研究生的申请者而言,专业排名一定程度上也反映了该学校的申请难度。此外,招生人数相对较少的学校也会在一定程度上加大申请的难度。


一般来说,申请奖学金是会增加申请难度以及降低录取可能性的。因此,选校时,需要考虑清楚,你的目标是希望冲刺排名更靠前的学校还是希望获得奖学金而一定程度降低对排名的要求。在选校前,可以到学校的官网查看学费以及生活费等情况。一般来说,学校都会在官网Financial Aid的部分列明学杂费的预算情况。一般情况下,越繁华的地区生活成本越高,学杂费的总预算也会相应较高;私立学校的学杂费相对比公立学校高。








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