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2024-06-23 21:45:46   /   雅思学习   /   作者:曹老师

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A. attraction B. benefit C. enthusiastically

D. command E. satisfy    F. undoubtedly

G. approval H. treasured I. viewed

J. developed     K. considerable 

Public image doesnt make money directly, nor is it anything visible. However, excellent public image is such an important thing that it is   【1】  desired by every company, enterprise, institution, etc. Public image refers to how a company is   2  by its customers, suppliers, and stockholders (股东), by the financial community, by the communities where it operates, and by federal and local governments. Public image is controllable to  3  extent, just as the product, price, place, and promotional efforts are.

A firm’s public image plays a vital role in the  4  of the firm and its products to employees, customers, and to such outsiders as stockholders, suppliers, creditors (贷款方), government officials, as well as different special groups. With some things it is impossible to   5  all the different publics: for example, a new highly automated plant may meet the   6  of creditors and stockholders. However, it will  7  find resistance from employees who see their jobs threatened. On the other hand, high quality products and service standards should bring almost complete approval, while low quality products and false claims would be widely looked down upon.

A firm’s public image, if it is good, should be   8 . It is a valuable strength that usually is built up over a long and satisfying relationship of a firm with publics. If a firm has9  a quality image, this is not easily imitated by competitors. Such an image may enable a firm to charge higher prices, to win the best distributors and dealers, to attract the best employees, to expect the most favorable creditor relationships and lowest borrowing costs. It should also allow the firm’s stock to   【10  higher price-earnings ratio (比例) than other firms in the same industry with such a good reputation and public image.















【1】 C 句意:良好的公众形象非常重要,所有的公司都热烈地渴望得到它。enthusiastically热情地,故选C。

【2】I 句意:公众形象指的是顾客,供应商以及股东等对一个公司的看法。view看待。故选I。

【3】K  to considerable extent在相当大的程度上,所以选K。

【4】A 句意:一家公司的公众形象在吸引顾客方面起着重要作用。attraction吸引力,魅力。故选A。

【5】E 句意:满足所有的公众是不可能的。satisfy满足。


【7】F 句意:但是一定会遭到公司员工的反对。undoubtedly毫无疑问。

【8】H  句意: 一个公司的公众形象如果好的话应该被珍惜,因为具有良好的公众形象是一个企业珍贵的财富。treasure珍惜。故选H。

【9】J 句意:如果一个企业形成了良好的形象,那么对手就很难与之抗衡或者效仿。develop形成。故选J。

【10】D  句意:良好的公众形象会使公司的股票空着更高的市盈率。command控制。






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