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作者读了Bernie Siegel的书,深受书中积极人生观的影响

2024-06-26 12:12:20   /   雅思学习   /   作者:曹老师

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作者读了Bernie Siegel的书,深受书中积极人生观的影响

【题目】I was required to read one of Bernie Siegels books in college and was hooked on his positivity from that moment on. The stories of his unconventional _____ and the exceptional patients he wrote about were so  _____ to me and had such a big  _____ on how I saw life from then on. Who knew that so many years later I would look to Dr. Bernie and his CDs again to  _____ my own cancer experience?

Im an ambitious  _____, and when I started going through chemo (化疗) , even though Im a very  _____ person, I lost my drive to write. I was just too tired and not in the _____ . One day, while waiting to go in for  ____, I had one of Dr. Bernies books in my hand. Another patient _____what I was reading and struck up a conversation with me  ____ he had one of his books with him as well. It  ____that among other things, he was an eighty-year-old writer. He was____ a published author, and he was currently  ____ on a new book.

We would see each other at various times and ____ friends. Sometimes he wore a duck hat, and I would tell myself, he was definitely a(n) ____of Dr. Bernie. He really put a ___on my face. He unfortunately ____ last year due to his cancer, ___he left a deep impression on me and gave me the  ___to pick up my pen again. I  ___ to myself, If he can do it, then so can I.

【1A. tastes     B. ideas      C. notes     D. memories

【2A. amazing    B. shocking   C. amusing   D. strange

【3A. strike     B. push       C. challenge D. impact

【4A. learn from B. go over    C. get throughD. refer to

【5A. reader     B. writer     C. editor    D. doctor

【6A. positive   B. agreeable  C. humorous  D. honest

【7A. mood       B. position   C. state     D. way

【8A. advice     B. reference  C. protectionD. treatment

【9A. viewed     B. knew       C. noticed   D. wondered

【10A. while      B. because     C. although D. providing

【11A. came out   B. worked out  C. proved outD. turned out

【12A. naturally  B. merely      C. hopefully D. actually

【13A. deciding   B. investing   C. working   D. relying

【14A. became     B. helped      C. missed    D. visited

【15A. patient    B. operator    C. fan       D. publisher

【16A. sign       B. smile       C. mark      D. mask

【17A. showed up B. set off     C. fell down D. passed away

【18A. since      B. but         C. so        D. for

【19A. guidance   B. trust       C. opportunityD. inspiration

【20A. promised   B. swore       C. thought   D. replied
























试题分析:本文是一篇记叙文。作者读了Bernie Siegel的书,深受书中积极人生观的影响。之后作者不幸身患癌症,病痛的折磨使他放弃了写作,但在治疗期间结识一位同样受到Bernie影响,年迈却仍坚持写作的病友。在病友死后,作者又重新拾起纸笔。

【1B考查名词。根据首段首句可知,作者读了Bernie Siegel的书,深受书中积极人生观的影响。此处unconventional ideas意为非传统的观点与上句中积极的人生观呼应。A项口味;B项观点;C项笔记;D项记忆。故选B项。


【3D考查名词。have an impact on为固定搭配,意为有影响。A项打击;B项推,逼迫;C项挑战;D项影响。故选D项。

【4C考查动词短语。根据下文可知,作者不幸身患癌症,病痛的折磨使他放弃了写作。但病友的执着和Bernie Siegel积极的人生观让自己又重新拾起纸笔,渡过了这段艰难时期。A项……中获取经验,汲取教训;B项复习,仔细检查;C项渡过难关;D项提到,涉及,参考。故选C项。

【5B考查名词。根据下文中“…, I lost my drive to write可知,作者是一名抱负的作家。A项读者;B项作家;C项编辑;D项医生。故选B项。

【6A考查形容词。句意:尽管我是一个积极的人,还是失去了写作的动力。a positive person与lost my drive to write构成让步关系,且与上文positivity呼应。 A项积极的;B项称心如意的;C项幽默的;D项诚实的。故选A项。

【7A考查名词。句意:我就是感觉太累,没有心情去写。Not in the mood意为没有心情。A项心情;B项位置,职位;C项状态;D项方式。故选A项。


【9C考查动词。句意:另外一个病人注意到我在读些什么,主动跟我攀谈起来。A项 认为;B项知道,了解;C项 (无意中)注意到;D项 想知道。故选C项。


【11D考查动词短语。除此之外,他是一位八十岁的作家。A项 出现,出版;B项锻炼,解决,制定;C项证明是合适的,令人满意的;D项证明是,结果是。it turned out that是固定搭配,意为结果是……,结果证明……”故选D项。

【12D考查副词。句意:事实上,他是一位撰稿人,目前在写一本新书。A项 自然地;B项仅仅;C项有希望地;D项事实上。故选D项。

【13C考查动词搭配。根据句意可知,他目前在写一本新书。A项 decide on决定,确定;B项invest on投资,花时间在……;C项work on从事,忙于;D项rely on依赖,依靠。故选C项。

【14A考查动词。句意:我们总是在许多时候见到对方,成了朋友。A项 成为;B项帮助;C项错过;D项拜访。故选A项。

【15C考查名词。根据句意可知,他的确是Bernie的粉丝。A项 病人;B项操作员,接线员;C项粉丝;D项出版商。故选C项。

【16B考查名词。根据句意可知,他的举动感染了我,使我在生活中面带微笑。A项 标志,迹象,征兆;B项微笑;C项标记;D项面罩。故选B项。

【17D考查动词短语。句意:他补充说道Jason因为不愿说谎没挣到钱。A项 出现,露面;B项出发,动身;C项跌倒;D项去世(死的委婉表达)。故选D项。


【19D考查名词。句意:他激励我重新拾起纸笔。A项 指导;B项信任;C项机会;D项鼓舞,激励,启发。故选D项。

【20C考查名词。句意:我对自己说:如果他能做到,我也能。A项 承诺;B项郑重发誓;C项think to oneself 自言自语;D项回答。故选C项。






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