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2024-06-20 15:38:16   /   雅思学习   /   作者:AMY

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all in all    scare sb. to death     out of the question    meet with

die out     fit in with   have sympathy for   sort out   set aside    be dying to


【1】Though the Chinese peace-keeping police knew that they would _____ a lot of difficulties, they set themselves to work with a will.

【2】Nobody knows exactly how dinosaurs________.

【3】You _______ suddenly knocking on the window like that just now.

【4】I’ll need time to_____ the office staff—they are hopelessly disorganized at the moment.

【5】Only in this way can you _________ your classmates.

【6】If you keep on eating like this, losing weight is ______________.

【7】The girl ______ marry the officer but her parents didn’t allow her to.

【8】I warned them not to do it, but my objection was ________.

【9】So many guests, such delicious food and such warm atmosphere--- ________ , it is a successful birthday party.

【10】A man who often _________ others will be done favour to.



【1】meet with

【2】died out

【3】scared me to death

【4】sort out

5fit in with

6out of the question

7was dying to

8set aside

9All in all

10have sympathy for



【1】meet with 句意:尽管中国维和警察知道他们会遭遇到很多困难,但是他们仍然带着一种意愿着手工作。meet with 遭遇。

【2】died out 句意:没有人确切地知道恐龙是如何灭绝的。died out灭绝,这里用过去式表示动作发生在过去。

【3】scared me to death 句意:你像现在这样突然敲窗户,吓死我了。scared me to death吓死我了。

【4】sort out 句意:我需要时间去把办公室工作人员进行分类。 现在他们无可救药地杂乱无章。sort out分类。

5fit in with 句意:只有用这种方式你才能适应你的同学。fit in with适应。

6out of the question句意:如果你继续这样吃,减肥是不可能的。out of the question不可能。

7was dying to 句意:女孩渴望嫁给主任,但她父母不允许。was dying to渴望,表过去一直想。

8set aside 句意:我警告他们不要去做,但我反对的被拒绝了。set aside置之不理。

9All in all 句意:这么多客人,美味的食物和温暖的气氛---总而言之,它是一个成功的生日聚会。All in all总而言之。

10have sympathy for 句意:经常同情他人的人会得将会得到帮助。have sympathy for对……表示同情。






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