首页 > 雅思学习 > 阅读下面句子,用本学期所学词汇的正确形式填空


2024-06-30 15:10:01   /   雅思学习   /   作者:戴老师

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【题目】阅读下面句子,用本学期所学词汇(Book 6 Module 2—Book 7 Module 1)的正确形式填空。

【1】She was still __________(犹豫) over whether to tell it to his teacher or not.

【2】The smartphone M4 is still in the  p___________ of his father.

【3】I felt a little uneasy, but to my r_______, I had a good excuse: A business meeting had run over and I’d wasted no time getting to the dinner.

【4】There is still a ___________(空缺的) position in the office.

【5】________(专心于) in his book The Ordinary World, the President didn’t notice his wife come in.

【6】It is ____________(体贴人的) of you to take your injured classmate to hospital.

【7】It is our president Xi Jinping who is r________ China from an dangerous situation.

【8】I will never ________(宽恕) these terrorists, Abe said. Japan will work with the international community to bring those responsible for this crime to justice.

【9】Russian President Putin didn’t a_______ the meeting and some western newspapers guessed he maybe had been kidnapped or even killed.

【10】I have an a___________  with Dr. Smith, but I need to change it.















【2】句意:这个智能手机M4还是他爸爸拥有。词组in possession of拥有,所以填possession。

【3】句意:我感到有些不自在,但是让我宽慰的是,我有个好借口:刚刚开过一个商业会议,我赶紧来吃饭了。to ones relief使某人宽慰的是,所以填relief。


【5】句意:专心于The Ordinary World,这本书,总统没有注意到妻子进来了。所以填Absorbed。











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