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You can take a selfie with a h

2024-06-30 22:59:22   /   雅思学习   /   作者:唐志云

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You can take a selfie with a h

【题目】You can take a selfie with a hand - held digital camera or mobile phone and later share it on the Internet. So selfies have been especially popular over the years.  【1】  Love them or hate them, selfies show no sign of stopping.

After all, the selfie is the most important way to show off on holiday. Everyone has his own way to take the holiday selfies. How can you take the best holiday selfies?   【2】

◆‘Food chew’style

Want to let everyone know how exciting your holiday food choices are?   【3】  You can also cut off a piece to show off what’s inside. But don’t have food hanging out of your mouth. Remember, food always looks best before being eaten.

◆‘I’ m so adventurous’ style

Rock climbing, hiking, surfing, or skiing?  【4】  Just let the natural settings make people go “wow”. One commonly used gesture is spreading out an arm to show how thrilled you are. But remember that no one likes a sweaty selfie.

◆‘I am cultured tourist’ style

【5】  You can also try an optical illusion(视错觉)by making it look like you’re holding up the leaning tower of Pisa, touching the top of the Eiffel Tower, or picking the Sphinx’s nose.

A. Just taking a selfie against a famous cultural site makes you look great.

B. Some people have no idea where to travel.

C. According to a recent survey, haft of the interviewees admitted to taking a selfie while on holiday.

D. These adventurous holiday moments are great for a selfie.

E. Different cultures have different characteristics of food.

F. Hold up some food on your fork or chopsticks.

G. Here are some useful posing tips for you.










【1】C考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。上句提到在网络上分享自拍照已经流行了好几年,下句又说这种趋势会一直延续下去,可判断此处缺少一个承上启下的成分,而C.项内容According to a recent survey, haft of the interviewees admitted to taking a selfie while on holiday.刚好符合内容,故选C。

【2】G考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。从上句How can you take the best holiday selfies? 可以推断下句要给出答案,下文是作者举的三个例子可知缺少一个启下的成分,故答案为G。

【3】F考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。由本段小标题‘Food chew’style可知本段内容与food有关,整段是关于如何show off food的内容,F最符合题意,故选F。

【4】D考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据本段小标题I’ m so adventurous’ style可知,本段与adventurous有关;前句Rock climbing, hiking, surfing, or skiing?,下句应也是讨论adventurous holiday。故答案为D。

【5】A考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据本段小标题I am cultured tourist’ style可知,本段主要内容为cultural visit,位于开头,起承上启下的作用,A最符合题意,故选A。






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