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If you are asking the way

2024-06-22 09:56:21   /   英语学习经验   /   作者:扈鞍

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If you are asking the way

【题目】If you are asking the way, which would you NOT like to use?

A. Could you tell me how to get to the post office?

B. Could you tell me the way to the post office?

C. How can I get to the post office?

D. Can you tell me which way should I go?




试题分析:句意:如果你,你不哪一句Could you tell me how to get to the post office? 你能告诉我怎样去邮局吗? Could you tell me the way to the post office? 你能告诉我去邮局的路吗? How can I get to the post office? 我怎样去邮局?  Can you tell me which way should I go?你能告诉我该走哪条路吗?根据语境可知该选D。






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