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2024-06-30 12:34:26   /   雅思学习   /   作者:勾煎

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Nicolaus Copernicus was born in a wealthy family in 1473 in Poland. In 1496, he went to Italy where he   【1】  (study) law and medicine and so on until he came back to his homeland in 1506. He later worked for the church till he died in 1543. Copernicus lived in a time   2  people still believed everything moved around the earth in  3  universe. But through his years of  4  (observe) and mathematical calculations, Copernicus became confused because he found the earth was not the centre of the solar system. He kept improving his new theory until he felt it was complete in 1514. He suggested that the earth   5 (spin) while going round the sun. His friends were enthusiastic and encouraged   6  to publish his ideas, but Copernicus was cautious. He didn’t want   7  (attack) by Christian Church. Finally, as he lay dying in 1543, he put  8  the theory that the sun, not the earth, is the centre of the solar system.

Copernicus has set a good example to us, sticking to the  9  (science) truth and bravely breaking away  【10  the old view.







【5】was spinning


【7】to be attacked






【1】studied  考查时态。本文通篇都使用一般过去时,叙述哥白尼的故事,所以本句也应该使用一般过去时。

【2】when  考查定语从句。本题定语从句的先行词是a time,后面定语从句的句子结构很完整,所以使用关系副词when引导这个定语从句,并在句中充当状语。

【3】the   考查定冠词。名词universe宇宙,一直要和定冠词the连用表示特指。

【4】observations  考查名词。介词of的后面通常要接名词或者动名词,在横线的后面有名词短语mathematical calculations说明and前面也应该是名词,所以使用了动词observe的名词observations。

【5】was spinning 考查时态。本句中的suggest表示说明,后面从句要使用陈述语气。句意:他说当地球绕着太阳的时候,地球也在旋转。故使用过去进行时。

【6】him   考查代词。句意:他的朋友们很热情,鼓励他把这个观点发表出来。根据上下文可知正是哥白尼发现了这个理论,所以他的朋友鼓励他发表这个观点。所以使用代词him充当动词encourage的宾语。

【7】to be attacked  考查语态。动词短语want to do sth想要做某事;句意:他不想被基督教派攻击。根据句意可知使用被动语态。

【8】forward  考查固定短语。短语put forward提出。句意:终于在1543年,他奄奄一息的时候,他提出了太阳而不是地球才是太阳系的中心。

【9】scientific  考查形容词。本会后面有名词truth,说明应该使用形容词充当定语修饰名词。句意:哥白尼给我们树立了一个很好的榜样,坚持科学真相,勇敢打破旧观点。

【10】from 考查固定短语。短语break away from打破;句意:句意:哥白尼给我们树立了一个很好的榜样,坚持科学真相,勇敢打破旧观点。






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