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No matter how well you underst

2024-06-15 21:01:04   /   雅思学习   /   作者:戴老师

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No matter how well you underst

【题目】No matter how well you understand a foreign language, misunderstanding still exists between native speakers and you. Here is such an example.

Three young Frenchmen were travelling in Britain. Though they had taken a few English lessons before their holiday, they were often in trouble because of their misunderstanding of English. One day they talked about their misfortunes (不幸) together.

The first Frenchman said, “I once heard someone shout ‘Look out’, I put my head out of a window and a bucket (一桶) of water fell on me.”

The second Frenchman said, “I was once in a ship and heard the captain shouted, ‘All hands on decks (甲板)’ I put my hands on the deck and someone walked on them.”

The third Frenchman said, “I once called early on an English friend and the maid (女佣) who came to the door said, ‘He’s not up yet’ When I went again for him, she said, ‘He’s not down yet’. I said, ‘If he’s not up and he’s not down, where is he?’ She said, ‘He’s still upstairs now. When I told you he was not up I meant he had not got up yet, so he has not come downstairs by now’

【1】Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A. Misunderstanding of English

B. Three Young Frenchmen

C. Misfortunes of Three Frenchmen

D. A Few English Lessons

【2】When someone is calling “look out” to you,he probably wants you to ______.

A. put your head out of the window   B. go away

C. receive a bucket of water     D. be careful

【3】The sentence “All hands on decks” may mean ______.

A. you should put your hands on the deck

B. everyone should get ready

C. someone walks over one’s hands

D. someone is making fun of a foreigner








【1】A主旨大意题。文章的第一句即为中心句No matter how well you understand a foreign language, misunderstanding still exists between native speakers and you.无论我们对一门外语掌握得有多好,我们和以该外语为母语的人之间存在的误解总是无法避免的。故选A。

【2】D词义猜测题。第三段介绍第一个法国人听到“look out”,误以为是“往外看”,结果一桶水掉到他头上。故可推断look out意为“担心,小心”,与be careful同义。故选D。

【3】B句意猜测题。第四段介绍第二个法国人听到“All hands on decks”时以为船长叫大家把手放在甲板上,结果他的手被别人踩过,根据上下文可推断这是船长提醒大家做好准备。故选B。






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