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The film starts out as a norma

2024-06-25 21:48:09   /   雅思学习   /   作者:勾煎

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The film starts out as a norma

【题目】The film starts out as a normal day at a typical American high school. Friends chat in the dining room and boys play football. But there's a big surprise when the movie      with two students going crazy in the   1    shooting and killing people.

    This is Elephant,filmed in just 20 days; it stars real high school kids. American      Gus Van Sant had no ready-made lines (台词). The student actors      their own dialogue,with Van Sant asking them to base their characters on their own      .

         it may not sound very high quality, the      won the Golden Palm (金棕榈奖)for Best Film and the award for Best Director at the Cannes Film Festival in France on May 25. The film is based on the      at a high school in the US,where two boys killed 13 people and then themselves in 1999. The      of the movie refers to the old expression about a problem that's as hard to ignore (忽略)as an elephant in the house.

    The film takes a close look at a few hours in the lives of the victims(受害者)and the      . It shows how high school is a      experience for everyonefun and friendly, or hard and     . In many ways, the two        , who carry out the shooting, act like ordinary kids. They joke around with one boy's mother as      serves them cakes and play the piano. But,there are hints (暗示)of the 30 they feel inside. One of the most boys is bullied (欺负)at school. The other plays      video games. But Van Sant isn't      their killings on either bullying or violent video games. In fact, the film doesn't offer any     for why school violence happens.

    I didn't want to      anything. It's up to the      to draw its own conclusions, said the 51 -year-old director.

【1】A. deals        B. begins       C. ends           D. agrees

【2】A. school       B. country      C. city           D. room

【3】A. writer       B. actor        C. director       D. student

【4】A. made of      B. made up      C. carried on     D. spoke of

【5】A. lives        B. movies       C. friends        D. families

【6】A. Because      B. When         C. If             D. Although

【7】A. arts         B. music        C. wine           D. film

【8】A. playing      B. shooting     C. fighting       D. teaching

【9】A. actors       B. director     C. killers        D. title

【10】A. killers      B. teachers     C. children       D. people

【11】A. different    B. same         C. happy          D. sad

【12】A. lovely       B. happy        C. lonely         D. excited

【13】A. teachers     B. boys         C. actors         D. girls

【14】A. they         B. he           C. it             D. she

【15】A. hunger       B. surprise     C. joy            D. anger

【16】A. sexy         B. lively       C. violent        D. healthy

【17】A. making       B. praising     C. discussing     D. blaming

【18】A. reason       B. help         C. introduction   D. information

【19】A. understand   B. write        C. promise        D. explain

【20】A. audience     B. students     C. killers        D. listeners



























【4】既然没有事先准备好的台词,所以演员要自己编写对话,make up编造,符合句意。





【9】根据后面的the old expression可以判断选D。

【10】与受害者相对应的就是谋杀者( killers)。



【13】根据下文one of the boys可以判断选B合适。



【16】既然是与谋杀有关,当然打的电子游戏也应该是有关暴力的( violent)。

【17】blame. . . on. . . 表示……归咎于……”



【20】be up to sb. 表示由某人决定,此处既然导演不想解释什么,那么就把决定权交给了观看电影的观众,故选A。






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