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2019-02-15 19:47:43 沈阳环球雅思 704

摘要:本文目的在于减少烤鸭们备考时间,强化自己已经准备的素材,在仔细阅读现题库中所有题目之后,选择一个人物,尽可能满足所有题目要求,这样准备出的人物素材在整体上关联度高,容易记忆,而且可以最大化的减少准备量,我在此文中给烤鸭门提供一个思路,用一个人物去搞定题库中现阶段所有的人物题 共七个。



Describe a person in the news that you would like to meet.

Describe a family member that you have spent most time with.

Describe a person who can do well in work.

Describe a person you know who dresses well.

Describe a person who likes to travel by plane.

Describe a person whose job is important to the society.

Describe a person who can use/speak a second language..

下面是我针对 “相见的新闻人物” 写下的一分钟笔记













雅思口语:一个人物搞定全部人物题目 _图1


以下是根据笔记,结合适当的linking words 每个笔记词,写下一只两句话,若每句话平均说上10秒钟左右,那么十二个词,可以帮助烤鸭流利讲上两分钟。

以下案例 仅供参考:


The person from news I’d like to talk about is Karl Lagerfeld, who is a German fashion designer, artist, and photographer based in Paris.


Actually, he is the head designer and creative director of the fashion house Chanel as well as the Italian house Fendi and his own fashion label.


Over the decades, he has collaborated on a variety of fashion and art-related projects.


He is well recognized around the world for his trademark: white hair, black glasses, and high starched collars.

how i know him

As for how I know him, well, I basically got to know him from a report sent by a social App, WECHAT, informing me of his legendary story of losing weight, which was really inspiring and made me believe whatever your mind can conceive, it can achieve.


When Lagerfeld lost 42 kg in 13 months in 2001, he explained: "I suddenly wanted to dress differently, to wear clothes designed by Hedi Slimane.... But these fashions, modeled by very, very slim boys—and not men my age—required me to lose at least 40 kg. It took me exactly 13 months."


The diet was created specially for him by Dr. Jean-Claude, which led to a book called The Karl Lagerfeld Diet. He promoted it on Larry King Live and other TV shows.


Finally, in terms of why I’ve been looking forward to meeting him, for one thing, after reading his saga, I turned out to lose more than 10 pounds within a month myself, so i really like to tell him how grateful I felt about him.


For another, it’ll be an unforgettable amazing experience to hear the words coming out of his mouth: ‘any big achievement lies in a small secret, that is to persist!’

That’s pretty much it, thanks for listening.想见的新闻人物一题暂且搞定,如果考试碰到 穿着时尚的人,只需加入以下切题的主体段落,说清楚该人物经常穿着的衣服,以及为何穿着时尚,而后续题目我也给出的具体例子:

A person you know who dresses well

And um, going on to what clothes he likes to wear, well uh, I guess it’s mainly formal clothes, like a suit, tie, long-sleeve shirt, dark trousers, leather shoes, that kind of thing. And even when he’s not working, he still dresses pretty smartly.

For example, I’ve noticed that he always wears a shirt with a collar, and I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him in a T-Shirt!

why he dresses well

But anyway, in terms of why I think he dresses well, um firstly, his shirts are always impeccably ironed, you know, there’s never a crease in them. And um, another thing is that he wears cuff links a lot of the time, which look super smart, you know, not just plain buttoned sleeves.

And um…what else?...…oh yeah, his shoes are always nicely polished and shiny, not dirty and scruffy like a lot of the shoes you see guys wearing!

You know, the fact that he goes to such lengths to look smart and presentable gives the impression that he puts the same amount of care and attention into his work as well.

A person whose job is important to the society

As for why i think his job is important to the society as a whole, basically because being a designer, he does his job for the benefits of the mankind, i mean, the aim of designing is to meet the needs of the majority of people, thereby leading the popular fashion to a higher level.

besides, the existence of an excellent designer would decide whether a nation’s clothing brand occurs. Let’s say,the difference of dressing styles between north Korea and South Korea is a vivid example.

That’s pretty much it, thanks for listening.

A family member


The family member I spend most time with is my uncle,my father's elder brother.who works as a fashion designer, artist, and photographer based in Shanghai.


Actually, he is the head designer and creative director of a fashion house called QIA as well as the South Korean house WOOJIN and his own fashion label.


Over the decades, he has collaborated on a variety of fashion and art-related projects.


He looks pretty amiable for his smiling eyes, healthy complexion and bushy eyebrows. It’s said he used to be the most handsome guy in his high school.


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