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2019-12-02 17:32:06 石家庄朗阁 1410


In developing countries, some people think governments should introduce new technology for people in order to improve the quality of life, while others believe governments should offer free education. Discuss both views and give your opinion.(题目来源:2014年9月20日大陆雅思大作文)


议题: 提升在发展中国家中人们的生活质量

  • 观点1: 政府应该引入新科技

  • 观点2: 政府应该提供免费教育


开展方式:双边支持 --- 政府引入新科技以及提供免费教育可以一起用来提升人们生活质量

引入新科技提高人们生活质量: 1) 提高生产力;2) 用于人们日常生活

提供免费教育提高人们生活质量: 1) 让每个人都有受到教育的机会; 2) 减少政府失业补贴成本用于投资建设基础设施; 3) 可以帮助人们脱贫


注意本题限定: in developing countries

注意议题核心为: improve the quality of life


People have differing views about what governments in developing countries are supposed to do to improve individual’s living standard. In my view, both introducing new technology and providing free education can be used together to improve people’s living conditions.

There are two reasons to argue that introducing new technology can certainly help to people’s quality of life in developing countries. The introduction of new technologies, such as advanced industrial and agricultural technologies, can contribute to raise labour capacity – a key for developing countries to develop. This will result in a more productive society, and in turn a prosperous nation. These technologies can also be applied to people’s daily life. For example, household machines like electric stove and washing machines can save people’s time and make life more convenient, which certainly makes a huge difference to people’s level of happiness and general quality of life.

On the other hand, I believe that providing free education will also have a great impact on improving quality of life for people. Firstly, free education can grant everyone a chance to approach knowledge and develop essential skills, and a well-educated workforce means more productivity and tax revenue to countries in developing world. Also, these countries can also reduce the cost to take care of people who have no chance in getting a job due to the lack of education. With the decrease of unemployment rate, governments in these countries can reallocate the money spent on unemployment insurance to better infrastructure. At the same time, if these governments delivered free education, many thousands of people could be lifted out of poverty or given a better quality of life.

In conclusion, while new technologies can bring new air to human life in developing countries, it seems to me that delivering free education is also essential to improve people’s life in the long term.

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