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2019-09-02 17:29:51 广州雅思英语学校 477


 Section One

  场次 20110213 20120519 20070901 2008 2006

  场景 其他

  题型 填空 10

  内容概述 一位男子刚搬进一个社区,询问关于订报纸和垃圾回收分类等相关情况。关于社区废物回收:废品回收时间从周三改到周五

  1. Waste of newspaper is collected: Every second week2. 名字:Peter Wisborough (人物拼写)3. 地址:NO.16 Bridge Road4. 最近的受理点:Central Park5. free of charge :A yellow box6. POST CODE :RH12PE7. 邮箱:helpline@blackcat.com8. 可以回收:Metals9. 不回收:Magazines10. Savvy booklet(常识,介绍手册的名字)

  Section Two

  场次 NEW

  场景 Sports

  题型 单选 6,配对 4

  内容概述 运动中心开业

  选择题6:1.What purpose for this activity/new course? ----- C. celebrate the opening of dance studio2. What day is the most popular day for this center? ----- B. weekday evenings 3.How can guest get a discount? ----- A. book in advance

  4.What is the special offer? ----- A. free training hour with a coach

  5.Why did they win a award? ----- C. offering professional advisers

  6.Why did some guest finally quit? ----- B. did not share experience among friends


  A. release stress

  B. the leg strength C. **********

  D. better concentration

  E. quick react/short react time

  7. General training ------ B

  8. Weight training ------D 9.Aerobic training ----- A.

  10. Squash ----- E

  Section Three

  场次 20160105 2012092 20100520

  题型 填空 3 多选 3 配对 4

  内容概述 两个学生讨论论文问题

  配对 4A. Need more examplesB. Too longC. Fully preparedD. Use existing overview versionE. Not relevant1. Assignment introduction -- C. Fully prepared2. Body structure -- D. Use existing overview version

  3.Methods technology -- B. Too long

  4.Conclusion -- A. Need more examples

  填空 3

  5.Woman wants to set a listening task for presentation.

  6.Man: speakers can be divided to discuss as a group.

  7.Practice taking notes

  多选 3

  What should be put emphasis on presentation’s conclusion?

  8. A. User friendliness or E. Improve computer skills

  9. C. chat room

  F. Global access

  Section Four

  场次 20150410 2011089 20110915

  学科 科技

  题型 填空 10

  内容概述 有关 bionomics 仿生学的,人从自然和昆虫(蜘蛛)中获取技能。

  填空 101. Arctic (Eskimo) people copy the hunting skill spider.2. silk which is stronger than steel.3. finer than human hair application 4.environmentally friendly equipment for fishing5. treat sports (athlete) injures6. medical stitches: self-dissolving (removal) pain.7. Problem: noise of a train Owl : artificial skill8. skatingboards used by Olympic9. vibration on plane and end of a tunnel10. reduce the loss of energy

听力 考题预测



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