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2019-09-02 17:29:43 广州雅思英语学校 430


    文章题目Coastal sculpture

  重复年份20160507 20140712 20130105


  题型段落细节配对 5+人名配对题 5+句子填空 3

  文章大意海边雕塑。文章一共聊了 3 座海岸边的知名雕塑的来源与现况,并上升到,






  14. A misunderstanding regarding financing of the construction of artwork. C

  15. A suggestion of a place with fewer visitors than it used to be. D

  16. Positive comments regarding all three pieces of artwork. E

  17. How a talk change people's opinions. D

  18. Reference of an artwork that turned out to cost the public a lot. B


  A. Antony's figure B. Moe's status C. Lost church

  19. It commemorates a hero. B

  20. Some people like to make physical contact with it. A

  21. It is welcomed by local people. B

  22. It has been shown In other place. A

  23. People fear it will cause accident. C


  24. Another Place is representation Gormley s own body.

  25. The original Walton Church disappear because of coastal erosion.

  26. The material used to build Lost Church will be steel pole.

  文章题目Solving an Arctic Mystery

  重复年份20160521 20141025


  题型判断 7+填空 6

  文章大意北极沉船。两条执行任务的船消失了,很多人试图找到它们,但都失败了, 最后在 sonar 技术的支持下找到了。船上所有船员全部通过遇难的原因探究 中发现,他们遗骸中很多都 lead 超标,研究发现 tin of food 及 inheritance 等因素均不是汽运,造成中毒的原因是 water needed for engine。研究结 果跟 inuit 人的口头记录温和,证实了其可靠性。



  1. 很多人尝试定位没有成功 T

  2. 这是 Inuit 人第一次跟定位沉船的专家合作 NG


  8. geology

  9. solar

  10. tin

  11. water

  12. engine

  13. stories

  文章题目 When did music begin?

  重复年份20160528 20130216


  题型选择 4,+配对 5+判断 5

  文章大意讲音乐的起源和影响,讲到了音乐和语言的关系,提到一个学者对于音乐的 研究。



  27. In the first paragraph, what does the writer say about the nature of music?

  C. Music ability is made of many elements

  28. Who originally states that speech and music developed at the same time?

  A. John Blacking

  B. Nils Wallin

  C. Steven Mithen

  D. Steven Brown

  29. In Mithen's book, the theory about music

  C. affect the behaviours of others

  30. an ancestor common for Neanderthals and homo sapiens when

  A. selecting a partner


  31. Music has a universal character C

  32. The contribution that Mithen has made about the evolution of music A

  33. The theory that language is related to the music supported by Mithen E

  34. The previous researchers' contribution to the evolution of music B

  35. The previous review about the music D

  A. has an effect on the other researchers

  B. useful while limited in several ranges of scope.

  C. despite cultural influences it

  D. is not the same in ail traditions.

  E. was not originally accepted by some researchers

  F. was based on historical theories

  36. Mithen's research about music take into account the association with physical

  movements. Y

  37. Mithen's hypotheses can be proved by some small societies in remote locations now. Y

  38. The adult speech directed at babies is similar to Neanderthals' communication. NG

  39. Mithen's theory supports Steven Pinker. N

  40. People in modern society are heavily relied on electronically produced music.

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