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2024-07-03 17:57:41   /   青少英语培训   /   作者:colin

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US$1 million for a dog? Actually it would have been US$1.5 million, if the owner hadn't turned the offer down. And what about US$20,000 just to get into a party? Yes, the year-end lists keep on coming, and this one's related to all the crazy ways people in China spent their fortunes. Shanghai features 少儿twice in the list just released by Plush: “China's top 10 most expensive items in 2009.” 什么!?一百万美金一条狗?——恩,实际上如果没讲价是150万美金。还有,花两万美金去个派对又如何?没错,就是这样的疯狂事儿在去年层出不穷,中国的富人们都在以这种近乎疯子的方法来花钱。上海也因此两次上榜“09中国最贵十件事”。 If you’re talking Scrooge McDuck(著名动画人物,唐老鸭的舅舅,守财奴) wealth in Shanghai, then clearly real estate must be involved. Making the list is the current record holder for most expensive apartment in the city, an nearly 600-square-meter luxury pad in the Tomson Rivie少儿ra complex. Sold in November, the property cost RMB 96.09 million -- that would be RMB 160,848 per square meter. This sale represents a 13-percent increase over the February 2007 sale of a similar apartment and the former record holder. No学英语 surprise with real estate news like this in 2009 that the government is trying to cool things down in 2010. 如果你是想聊聊守财奴式的生活,那么房产肯定是不容忽视的一方面。全城最贵的豪宅记录目前依旧由传说中的汤臣一品600平米的公寓保持。去年11月以9千6百万售出——差不多16万一平。这次交易打破上海了前最贵豪宅的记录,也比2007年2月类似房产出售高出整整13%。在经历过这种震惊的事件后,难怪政府要在2010年全力控制房价了。 Property pr上海少儿学英语去哪儿ices are still increasing though giving Shanghai a good shot at topping the Hurun Report’s “Rich List” in 2010 (it lost Beijing in 2009). 房价疯涨也让上海登上了胡润百富榜(中国的福布斯)上全国最奢华城市的首位——去年上海败给了北京。 Shanghai's other appearance in Plush's list? Apples. In early 2009 a supermarket in Shanghai sold apples imported from Japan for RMB 2,009 each. How do you like them apples? Sorry, we couldn't help ourselves. 还有什么东西上了上海的财富榜单呢?苹果。是的,09年初上海某超市出售的日本进口苹果卖出了每个2009元的天价。那你喜欢这些苹果吗?抱歉,我们也不知道啥味儿啊! 






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