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2024-05-14 11:29:04   /   雅思写作   /   作者:娟娟老师

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没错,今天给大家带来的是纯纯的干货,童鞋们托福雅思写作都可以用到的,一波写人叙事的高级表达。欲罢不能  to pass or reach the point of no return  We have passed the point of no return.  我们现在已经欲罢不能,只有继续干到底了。

一针见血  to say sth. that exactly describes a situation or explains the cause of a difficulty  He hit the nail on the head when he mentioned rising prices as being the  cause of our present problems.  他说目前遇到的问题是物价不断上涨造成的,这话真是一阵见血。

一争高下  to test sb. or sb's strength/ intelligence, etc. in a struggle or contest against sb. or sth.  This is a chance to pit your wits against the world chanpions.  这是你与世界冠军一争高低的机会。  

搬起石头砸自己的脚  to pick up a stone only to drop it on one's own feet  Such gutter tactics are bound to backfire.采用这种卑劣的计量到头来必然是搬起石头砸自己的脚。

半途而废  to give up in the middle of a period of time  There are no half-measures with this company.  这家公司做事绝不会半途而废。

半信半疑  to think that sth. is not likely to be true  I discovered that the stories he told me about his childhood were all  lies, so now I take everything he says with a pinch of salt.  我发现她告诉我的所谓童年经历全是假话,所以现在不管他说什么,我都半信半疑。

保持原汁原味  to keep the flavor in by sealing  Our foil packets seal the flavor in.  我们用锡纸包装以保持原汁原味。 

曝光  to make sth. known  The media blow their cover on graft and corruption.  媒体将他们的贪污腐败曝了光。

爆冷门  to come down to a garrison finish  The race could indeed come down to a garrison finish at the convention.  这次代表大会竞选的结果极可能会爆出冷门。

报销  to pay back to sb.  All expenses will be reimbursed.  一切费用都能给你报销。  I‘ll refund you the full cost of your fare.  我来给你报销全部旅费。

杯水车薪  trying to put out a blazing cartload of faggot with a cup of water  The famine is bad; aid can only scratch the surface.  饥荒十分严重,援助也只是杯水车薪。

比不上某人  not be as clever  He doesn't play as well as his sister.  他的演奏水平比不上他姐姐。  Sherlock Holmes has nothing on you—you're a real detective.  福尔摩斯也比不上你——你是名副其实的侦探。

彼此彼此  doing the same as other people do  Why are we going to France? I can't speak a word of French. ——Don't worry,  you're in good company—neither can I.  我们为什么要到法国去?我连一句法语都不会讲。——别担心,彼此彼此,我也不会讲。

闭塞  not communicatiing with or influenced by others  He finds the town too much of a backwater.  他觉得城镇太闭塞了。  She has a closed mind.  她思想闭塞僵化。

表现出色  to give a good account of oneself  The team showed real class in this afternoon's match.  这支球队在今天下午的比赛中表现非常出色。

不费吹灰之力  without effort  He got the job done in a breeze.  他不费吹灰之力完成了任务。

随遇而安  to adapt oneself to circumstances  You'd better take things as they come.  你好随遇而安。

随机应变  to deal with matters as they arise  When the invited speaker did not arrive, the chairman rose to the occasion  and delivered an excellent unprepared speech.  当被邀请的演讲者没来时,主席随机应变,作了一场精彩的即兴发言。

四肢发达,头脑简单  to be all brawn and no brain  He is all brawn and no brain.  他四肢发达,头脑简单。

耍弄小聪明  to play one's little game  He liked to play little games.  他喜欢耍弄小聪明。

首当其冲  to receive the main force  I had to bear the brunt of her anger.  她发脾气时,我是首当其冲。

失之交臂  to miss an opportunity  The gold medal slipped from his grasp in the last moments of the race.  在比赛的最后关头他与金牌失之交臂。事半功倍  to be a large or important part of doing sth. difficult  Getting the trick of learning English is half battle.  掌握了学英语的技巧就能事半功倍。

生死攸关  that can be either a complete success or a complete failure  It was a make or break year for the British economy.  这是英国经济生死攸关的一年。

违心  against one's better judgement  I’m acting against my better judgement in allowing you to get married.  我允许你订婚是违心的。

无独有偶  it is not unique, but has its counterpart  It is no isolated occurrence that they are plagued by these social problems. We fare no better.  他们受这些社会问题困扰,无独有偶,我们也面临同样的问题。  

【托福雅思写作】写人叙事的高级表达  2017-12-26 上海新航道  没错,今天给大家带来的是纯纯的干货,童鞋们托福雅思写作都可以用到的,一波写人叙事的高级表达。  

欲罢不能  to pass or reach the point of no return  We have passed the point of no return.  我们现在已经欲罢不能,只有继续干到底了。  

一针见血  to say sth. that exactly describes a situation or explains the cause of a difficulty  He hit the nail on the head when he mentioned rising prices as being the  cause of our present problems.  他说目前遇到的问题是物价不断上涨造成的,这话真是一阵见血。  

一争高下  to test sb. or sb's strength/ intelligence, etc. in a struggle or contest against sb. or sth.  This is a chance to pit your wits against the world chanpions.  这是你与世界冠军一争高低的机会。  搬起石头砸自己的脚  to pick up a stone only to drop it on one's own feet  Such gutter tactics are bound to backfire.采用这种卑劣的计量到头来必然是搬起石头砸自己的脚。  

半途而废  to give up in the middle of a period of time  There are no half-measures with this company.  这家公司做事绝不会半途而废。  

半信半疑  to think that sth. is not likely to be true  I discovered that the stories he told me about his childhood were all  lies, so now I take everything he says with a pinch of salt.  我发现她告诉我的所谓童年经历全是假话,所以现在不管他说什么,我都半信半疑。  保持原汁原味  to keep the flavor in by sealing  Our foil packets seal the flavor in.  我们用锡纸包装以保持原汁原味。  

曝光  to make sth. known  The media blow their cover on graft and corruption.  媒体将他们的贪污腐败曝了光。  

爆冷门  to come down to a garrison finish  The race could indeed come down to a garrison finish at the convention.  这次代表大会竞选的结果极可能会爆出冷门。  

报销  to pay back to sb.  All expenses will be reimbursed.  一切费用都能给你报销。  I‘ll refund you the full cost of your fare.  我来给你报销全部旅费。  

杯水车薪  trying to put out a blazing cartload of faggot with a cup of water  The famine is bad; aid can only scratch the surface.  饥荒十分严重,援助也只是杯水车薪。  比不上某人  not be as clever  He doesn't play as well as his sister.  他的演奏水平比不上他姐姐。  Sherlock Holmes has nothing on you—you're a real detective.  福尔摩斯也比不上你——你是名副其实的侦探。  

彼此彼此  doing the same as other people do  Why are we going to France? I can't speak a word of French. ——Don't worry,  you're in good company—neither can I.  我们为什么要到法国去?我连一句法语都不会讲。——别担心,彼此彼此,我也不会讲。  

闭塞  not communicatiing with or influenced by others  He finds the town too much of a backwater.  他觉得城镇太闭塞了。  She has a closed mind.  她思想闭塞僵化。  表现出色  to give a good account of oneself  The team showed real class in this afternoon's match.  这支球队在今天下午的比赛中表现非常出色。  

不费吹灰之力  without effort  He got the job done in a breeze.  他不费吹灰之力完成了任务。  

随遇而安  to adapt oneself to circumstances  You'd better take things as they come.  你好随遇而安。  

随机应变  to deal with matters as they arise  When the invited speaker did not arrive, the chairman rose to the occasion  and delivered an excellent unprepared speech.  当被邀请的演讲者没来时,主席随机应变,作了一场精彩的即兴发言。  

四肢发达,头脑简单  to be all brawn and no brain  He is all brawn and no brain.  他四肢发达,头脑简单。  耍弄小聪明  to play one's little game  He liked to play little games.  他喜欢耍弄小聪明。  

首当其冲  to receive the main force  I had to bear the brunt of her anger.  她发脾气时,我是首当其冲。  失之交臂  to miss an opportunity  The gold medal slipped from his grasp in the last moments of the race.  在比赛的最后关头他与金牌失之交臂。  事半功倍  to be a large or important part of doing sth. difficult  Getting the trick of learning English is half battle.  掌握了学英语的技巧就能事半功倍。  

生死攸关  that can be either a complete success or a complete failure  It was a make or break year for the British economy.  这是英国经济生死攸关的一年。  

违心  against one's better judgement  I’m acting against my better judgement in allowing you to get married.  我允许你订婚是违心的。  

无独有偶  it is not unique, but has its counterpart  It is no isolated occurrence that they are plagued by these social problems. We fare no better.  他们受这些社会问题困扰,无独有偶,我们也面临同样的问题。











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